UK retailer Marks and Spencer has announced it is trialling plastic-free produce at one of its stores in London to try and reduce the amount of plastic-waste generated.

90 lines of loose fruit and veg will now be sold at its Tolworth store in southwest London. Potatoes, bananas and lots more will be available across two aisles. More perishable items like berries will be sold in punnets that are compostable.

90 lines of loose fruit and veg will now be sold at its Tolworth store in southwest London.

Marks and Spencer will also have greengrocers based in store to assist customers with choosing their fresh produce, as well as offering advice on how to reduce food waste and packaging.

In an interview with Sky News, Louise Nicholls, head of food sustainability, said: “Our plan is to create long-term impact in the future using tangible insights from the Tolworth store trial.”

With Co-Op recently rolling out compostable plastic bags, it’s clear that the UK’s retailers are really upping their game when it comes to plastic awareness.